Hmm, What Sacrifice Can I Offer?

I started a "sacrifice bucket" just outside the side door of my heart.  I believe that our Father in heaven still desires for us to make sacrifices unto Him.  Certainly not for the purpose of making atonement for our sins - that was accomplished by the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus on the cross.  But what kind of offering pleases God the most?  We may tend to think that the only thing we can offer to God is something we have perfected or worked on for days or weeks.  But the surprising thing is that while God can accept and bless a sacrificial offering of something we are pleased to offer Him such as a song, a good deed, a certain skill or even money, God is magnified when we give him things that don’t have any place in our hearts and lives!  He wants us to sacrifice to Him our pride and our selfish desires, and He will gladly receive all of our cares and worries. He really loves it when we give Him anything that stands in the way of allowing Him to dwell completely in our lives and be seen in us.  

I don't have to wait until this bucket gets full, I just continually find stuff that I can put in there and offer up to Him on a daily basis.  It's a little odd because sometimes I find myself adding things that I know I already offered up to Him before, but somehow they showed up again in my life and need to offer them up again!  Many of the items I have sacrificed can be assigned to different categories in my life such as "personal preferences" or "things that offend me" or "things that are inconvenient or even very uncomfortable".  The ones that are hardest to cram into that bucket are large and have like tentacles attached to me because they have been a part of me for so long, and I really love the comfort, stability and security that they give me.  But see, that's why God wants me to sacrifice them because He alone wants to be my comfort, stability and security. 

 It occurred to me the other day that there is something I think God would like for each of us to put in that sacrifice bucket:  What if we all put our corporate worship of Him into the bucket of sacrifice?  If we did that, when there's a song we don't like, or we are tired of standing too long, or we don't like the way the lights or stage look, we could just say, "God, I am throwing my personal desires and preferences into the sacrifice bucket, and I am burning them up on the altar as an act of worship because I love You more than I love these things."  You know, actually, I think God would really prefer it if I just climbed into that sacrifice bucket and added myself to the altar...and still lived...but it's like it wouldn't be me living, it would be Christ living in me.

Galatians 2:20 blessings,



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