D.S. al Coda is Back!

After a three-year hiatus from writing this Blog, I have picked up D.S. al Coda once again.  I left off this blog site as I wrote a weekly column for the Lexington Chronicle since January of 2019.  I felt somewhat restricted from being able to write solely about the most important things in life to me--our Heavenly Father and the salvation we can have through Jesus Christ, His Son.

I enjoyed the experience of writing for the paper and felt I should do so as my father, Rev. Bert Williams wrote articles for years for the Orangeburg T & D.  And I recently compiled and published a book called, "A Year of Sr. Living--52 articles form the Lexington Chronicle 2019-2021".  I would love for you to have a copy of this book.  It is on sale for $10 at this website: www.RestoringHisTruth.com . Postage is free and I will be happy to mail you a copy or simply sell it to you at Lexington Baptist Church.

I enjoy writing.  I had a professor who said 3 words that I never forgot: “Be a writer.” You can be a writer by keeping a diary, adding thoughtful comments on Facebook, writing a letter to the editor of a newspaper, or writing a book. I have eight friends from Lexington that are successful published authors. Seven of them are current Lexingtonians and one now lives in Atlanta.
The seven in Lexington are Jerry Bellune (former Chronicle publisher-editor), Scott Vaughan (also a former publisher-editor of the Dispatch), Russ D. and Jo Ann Rhodes, Alexys Wolf, Al Beard, and Linda Maguire.  You can find all of these on Amazon.  The eighth writer is Linda Maguire’s son, Mark Wallace Maguire.  Mark was just a teenager in the youth group at Lexington Baptist from 1988 – 1991.  He was one of those kids that just seemed to be struggling to find his place in this world.  He eventually went off on his own and left Lexington.
I might not have ever heard of him again. Then this past February I received an email out-of-the-blue from Mark.
With his permission, here is a portion of what he wrote: “My three years in Lexington were some of the roughest of my life and as someone who has lived in 20 cities now, it is a time I blocked out. Thanks for all you did when I was there.  You were a magnificent teacher in guitar and beyond patient in your leadership. I told my son today about how you helped me become a guitarist, encouraged me, and helped me to stay involved with church life despite my cynicism and meager skills. Thank you so much!” 
What a blessing this was to me to read.  Mark is now 48, a videographer, musician, and writer in Atlanta.  He has written 8 books. His latest Kindle Best-Sellers are The Alexandria Rising Chronicles.  You’ll never know what you can do if you don’t try!


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