Why Children Need to Sing in Church

Second, this Word of God reminds us that the focus of our
homes should be praising the excellent name of God. Ps.
8:2 teaches us that the singular focus
of our homes must be praising God. In
such a home family worship and church worship are a priority. In such a home fighting and harsh words are
not tolerated. In such a home there is a
focus on serving God and doing His will in all of life. May God give us this focus in our homes.
Third, God ordains this praise of our children to silence
the enemies. The enemies we face are
three: the wicked world, Satan, and our sinful flesh. God uses the praise of children to silence
these enemies. Why? God demonstrates His awesome power by using
weak means . How is it that God could
use the praises of children to overcome the enemy? He does this as our children express
unwavering trust and confidence in God.
Satan works on us in afflictions and hardships to doubt the goodness of
God. But God uses children to remind us
of God’s care. They say things like:
“Grandpa is now in heaven” at the funeral home when we are weeping. They say things like, “God will take care of
us,” if dad loses his job. God also uses
their singing and the songs we know to strengthen us. God uses music to fortify us. When good Christian music is sung and
listened to it drives the enemy away from our hearts and lives. This is why it is so important that we listen
to the right music. The music of this
world allows the enemy access to our hearts and distorts the way we think.
What an amazing thing God has ordained — that children
mouths praise Him. May God use this word
to impress upon us as parents, grandparents, and church the importance of
teaching our children to sing and to know God’s Word for God uses this for the
preserving and strengthening of His church.
(Author of this article is unknown, but I agree with it!)
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