I Am A Member Of A Hate Group

I am a member of a hate group.
The group that I belong to has an intense hatred for what the forces of darkness, led by the one we know as Satan, have done to destroy people's lives, enslave them and hold them in bondage. I hate what has happened to so many people whose lives have been wrecked by their own addictions or the addictions of others whether they be drugs, alcohol, or pornography. 

I hate the fact that millions upon millions of babies have been killed before they were born (Certainly no one loves this fact, but far too many are not bothered at all by this fact, and not enough of us hate it!).  

And my hatred is not just turned outward because I hate it when I see things in my own life that are selfish or otherwise displeasing to God. And I confess that I am seeking to recruit others to join me in this hate group who will also detest all that the Devil does to enslave and destroy every person on this planet. I hate these things because Jesus Christ has put a great love in my heart for everyone who has ever been deeply hurt, cheated, ruined, deceived, used and abused by the Prince of Darkness. 

It's OK to hate.  Just make sure you are only hating the things that God hates--that's THINGS that God hates.  For my God so loved this world that He gave His only Son that whoever will surrender his or her life to Him will not perish, but will have eternal life--and love--to the fullest.



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