Your God Will Come!

Your God – my God, Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -- will come.
He came with a flood just like he promised Noah that he would after Noah had just about been mocked and ridiculed to death.
He let Noah and his family off the ark when they just about couldn’t stand all those animals anymore!
He held back Abraham’s hand just as he was about to sacrifice Isaac in obedience.
He parted the... Red Sea just when it looked like the Israelites were cornered with no place to go.
He scarfed up the water and the sacrifice with fire just when Elijah needed him to put the prophets of Baal in their place with the greatest flair.
He clamped them lion’s jaws just when Daniel was just about to become the main course.
He made the whale spit Jonah out at Ninevah after three days just to make a great parallel to the resurrection of Jesus 1,000 years or so later!
He sent His Son into this world at just the right time as the prophets had foretold.
He purposefully came four days after Lazarus died to raise Lazarus from the dead just so it would be a greater miracle than if he showed up to heal him before he died like Martha had thought would be best in her time schedule!
He sent His Holy angel to comfort Jesus in the garden just when he needed to be comforted and strengthened for what he was about to face for our salvation.
He rose Jesus from the dead after three days just so it would confirm when Jesus said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” and match all the things He did in the O.T. after three days.
He gave Stephen all the right words to say in his defense before the Sanhedrin so we could marvel at it in the book of Acts.
He gave Stephen a spirit of courage to face death while seeing Jesus standing to welcome him home as the stones began to rain down upon him.
He sent a blinding light to stop Paul in his tracks as he was on his way to Damascus to round up more followers of Yeshua.
He sent a terrible storm to get the attention of a slave trader named John Newton so he could teach him about Amazing Grace.
He had the choir sing one more verse of “Just as I Am” so a kid named Billy Graham could surrender his life to Christ.
He knocked on my heart’s door and saved me before I died.
All I can tell you is that if you will trust Him, Your God – if we are talking about my God, Jehovah, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob – will come.


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