Please Don't Change the Definition of Marriage

Marriage - a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law.

Using the primary Webster's definition of "marriage", a "same-sex marriage" is literally a "same sex union of two people of the opposite sex" which is an oxymoran.

The following was posted on MSN today, February 28:

Obama administration to express support for gay marriage before Supreme Court

Administration officials say the Justice Department will urge the U.S. Supreme Court to allow same-sex marriage to resume in California, wading into the protracted legal battle over Proposition 8 and giving gay-rights advocates a new court ally.
After first suggesting it would not get involved, the Obama administration will file a friend-of-the-court brief late today in support of the two gay couples who launched the fight over the issue four years ago, the officials said. Today is the last day for filing briefs in support of the couples' position.

Please don't change the definition of marriage.  Two people of the same sex who desire to imitate a marriage can only do just that, imitate.  And one of the two can only pretend to be the opposite sex from their partner.  But the players must beware that when sexual activity takes place between the two partners, a violation of God's law has occurred and the violation will be added to all other existing actions, thoughts, or words that are outlined in God's Holy Word as being sins worthy of the penalty of eternal death and separation from God, which is the same condemnation under which every person - straight or gay - is also under as well.  The only remedy or correction for this condition which is common to all persons is to confess (i.e. agree with God) that we have broken His laws, ask His forgiveness based on the understanding that Yeshua, the Son of God, took the punishment for our sins upon Himself and currently has the offer of forgiveness for our sins and pardon for our guilt and recieve His free gift of eternal life! 

It's not that homosexuality is a worse sin than pride or glutony, but our Supreme Court, with full endorsement of our president, is about to officially tell YHWY that He is totally wrong and that we as a nation are ready to declare His Torah (His Instruction) to be null and void.  Yet, we wring our hands and try to fix the ills of this land while singing, "God Bless America!"  All my broken heart can sing in the midst of such an "Obamanation" is "Lord, Have Mercy."


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