What Must I Do to be Saved?

When the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas, "What must I do to become saved?" (recorded in Acts 16:30), he was not asking how to go to heaven or avoid hell.  All he knew was that the prisoners who had been placed in his jail with the strict orders for him  "to guard them carefully" had been set free.  Yes, there had been an earthquake, but how did that unlock the chains and release them from the stocks?  Acts 17:27 tells us that the jailer drew his sword to kill himself because he knew that he would be held responsible for the escape and would likely face a humiliating execution. Paul saw what the jailer was about to do and cried out (verse 28), "Don't harm yourself!  We are all here!"

The Jailer called for lights and rushed in and fell at the feet of Paul and Silas and pled, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"  Was he just asking how his life could be spared because he was in big trouble?  I believe there was something far more that prompted the jailer's inquiry.  He had been a witness to something supernatural and the power of the Holy Spirit was in that place.  The dark, damp prison floor on which he was kneeling had become holy ground because the spirit of Elohim (YHWH) had intersected with the physical world of fallen humanity. 

There is no indication that the jailer had ever heard that he needed to "get saved" the way that we use that term today in our witnessing and evangelism.  He knew he did not have within himself what he saw and heard in Paul and Silas as they had been severely mistreated yet were singing and praising the Father while in chains!  

Yes, there are times when the preaching of the gospel to the lost brings men to the cross with impassioned explanations of how one can be "saved."  But this account is an example of the power of the Holy Spirit moving in the lives of true Believers to draw hopeless souls to the point where they cry out, "What can I do to have what these people have? I need that! I want that!" The jailer did not read a book, was not persuaded by powerful preaching, and did not attend church.  He heard singing and praise coming from the least likely place on earth from two guys who had the least likely reason to be joyful.  The next thing he knows is that some incredible power set them free and they did the least likely thing escaped prisoners would do--they did not run away but showed concern for him.

Dear Follower of The Way, when you find yourself in the lowest pit of pain or despair, if you can find a way to not let your circumstances dictate your faith, and learn to praise Him in ALL things, miracles will happen in your life and in the lives of others around you.

So, what was the answer to his question? Verse 31 says, "They replied, Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household."  But notice what happened next in verse 32: "THEN they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all the others in his house."  Belief in Jesus is just the starting point.  The Word of the LORD (YHWH) is the instruction you apply to how you will live in this world.  Those who are serious about their faith can't get enough of the written Word and the Living Word!

To become a Believer in Christ, to follow Him, to get saved, become His disciple--however you want to say it, is a whole lot more than just getting a green card for your immigration into heaven by praying a one-time prayer or "walking the aisle" in church, or getting baptized or taking communion.  The Father is raising up an army of priests in His Kingdom.  What are you willing to do to become all that the Father wants you to become in the few short years that you have on this earth?  Start by asking yourself if you are satisfied with the person you have become.  Then ask the Father to make your life everything it can be.  Ask Him to make you more like Jesus.


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