Persecution of the Church Begins By Teaching That All Church-Goers Are The Church


I saw this article online and it naturally caught my attention.  It was written by Moises Mendez II who, according to his own profile is "a recent graduate from the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY. He is a freelance journalist based in New York City writing about everything from music to LGBTQ issues."

What is your reaction to this statement? "Sunday morning after church is the worst type of customer... you won't change my mind." 

My first thought was, "Well, that's one guy's opinion and he has a right to it, but he would have to already have a bias against Christians to make such a blanket conclusion about all people who go to church on Sundays."  Mr. Mendez is not the one pictured here, but he included in his article this video by a Tik-Tok-er named Saint_Hypnos as "exhibit A" for his post:

The video has been viewed over 700,000 times and has been overwhelmingly applauded.  "Saint Hypnos" seems to relish in his hateful proclamation as he jabs with a smile that the church-going customers are "the worst human beings on earth."

But then my next reaction to this article is both sadness and anger--not towards the author, but towards those who go to church and are not good ambassadors for Christ.  True disciples of Jesus Christ/Yeshua H'aM
ashiach will leave a sweet aroma of love and kindness everywhere they go.  What the author and the Tik-Tok-er do not understand is that "going to church" does not a Christian make.  And true keepers of the Sabbath would not be going out to eat on the Sabbath day...and the true Sabbath day is not really Sunday!  And I know many Christians who try to be generous and considerate to all who serve as waiters in restaurants.  And I have also seen parties in restaurants trash the place who definitely did not just go out to eat after church!

The enemies of the cross love to point out hypocrisy when it can be found within the church.  But sadly, it is not hard to find a dirty spot on the rug if you really look for one.
But to counter the notion that church-goers are all rude, inconsiderate, arrogant, and bad tippers, "in a study conducted by Cornell University, results showed Christians tip among the highest of all studied, but at the same time had the lowest percentage of tips among those who were stingy. Daily Finance reported, Christians gave 17.3 percent to their server. The study found 13 percent of Christians left less than 15 percent which is the standard. The 13 percent was almost double that of any other belief." (Are Christians Notoriously Bad Tippers? (

The real reason I wanted to write this article has more to do with the big picture of where we are on God's time-line.  Those of us who are Sr. Adults in America have seen the tide of the reputation of Jesus and his Church turn from virtuous and desirable to detestable and a hinderance to a more socialistic agenda devoid of religion.

The young man in the video may consider himself an enlightened, loving soul who believes the world would be a better place without the kind of people who go to church. This was the same attitude of those young and enlightened Nazis who were deceived by the Devil to believe that the world would be better off without Jews.

So be vigilant and diligent in your prayers for the perilous times ahead for the true Church of the Living God, YHWH!  Can we pray as Yeshua did, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do?" Matthew 5:11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.12Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.


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