How Important Is Your Halacha?

If we want to live pleasing lives for our Heavenly Father, we know that because we are all sinners and have broken all of God's commandments, we are lost and need the Messiah's indwelling of His Holy Spirit to give us the ability to have a halacha that pleases God and makes us acceptable to Him.
Jesus, Yeshua, came to give us all a halacha that will bless us in this life, but also bring glory to our Heavenly Father which is our main purpose in life!
But we are all on our own separate spiritual journeys, travelling at differing speeds, receiving inspired revelations from God and His Word with different perspectives and insights and unique applications to our circumstances in life. This is why the Body of Christ in the world today may be joined together by the same Savior, but yet also be greatly divided by our halacha--our understanding of how we are to live and walk the Way of the Master.
Paul addressed this in his letter to the church in Rome. The Jews and Gentiles who were finding themselves in unity through the common forgiveness of sins by Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah, were also finding themselves being divided by different understandings of what a New-Born Believer's halacha should be! Paul's bottom line to the Church was, "Don't let your various opinions and camp divisions over halacha take priority over your unity!" Wow, that's what we need to hear today!
Isn't it interesting that the Church today deals with the exact same problem that the Church in Rome was experiencing--the need for unity in the midst of differing halacha? It is just sad that so many Believers will go to their graves thinking they will be rewarded (gain glory for themselves) for having maintained a strict halacha which isolated them from the larger context of The Body only to find out at the Judgment that the Father would have been more pleased if unity had been the goal which would have brought more glory to the Father!
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