“Music is My Life!” Really?
wants to find something in life they are really good at. And when we do, the temptation is there to
let that talent or that ability become our focus in life. This is where Satan trips us up because he
wants us to become idolaters who will put anything ahead of God. Satan has no problem with you having God “in
your life.” He just wants to make sure
that God is not #1 in your life!

is the power of music:
I joined band I never knew how
drastically it could change my life.
Music gave me the energy and motivation to get involved with other sports. It helped me realize that I could have a better and healthier lifestyle. Music made me start dancing, without caring who was watching. Before I started high school, I was shy, quiet, and unnoticed. When I joined band, I changed. I became a better, more outgoing person. Music is the one thing in my life that makes sense and is a huge part of my life. Music is, and always will be my life, my soul, my greatest achievement, and my passion.
Music gave me the energy and motivation to get involved with other sports. It helped me realize that I could have a better and healthier lifestyle. Music made me start dancing, without caring who was watching. Before I started high school, I was shy, quiet, and unnoticed. When I joined band, I changed. I became a better, more outgoing person. Music is the one thing in my life that makes sense and is a huge part of my life. Music is, and always will be my life, my soul, my greatest achievement, and my passion.
is the power of the Holy Spirit:
I became a follower of Jesus Christ I
never knew how drastically it could change my life.
Jesus gave me the energy and motivation to get involved with what really matters in this life. God’s Word helped me realize that I could have a better and healthier lifestyle. The Holy Spirit in me made me start dancing, without caring who was watching. Before I started high school, I was shy, quiet, and unnoticed. When I trusted in Jesus, I changed. I became a better, more outgoing person. My personal relationship with God is the one thing in my life that makes sense and is a huge part of my life. Jesus is, and always will be my life, my soul, my greatest achievement, and my passion. And I am so thankful to God for His gift of music in my life to express my joy in Him!
Jesus gave me the energy and motivation to get involved with what really matters in this life. God’s Word helped me realize that I could have a better and healthier lifestyle. The Holy Spirit in me made me start dancing, without caring who was watching. Before I started high school, I was shy, quiet, and unnoticed. When I trusted in Jesus, I changed. I became a better, more outgoing person. My personal relationship with God is the one thing in my life that makes sense and is a huge part of my life. Jesus is, and always will be my life, my soul, my greatest achievement, and my passion. And I am so thankful to God for His gift of music in my life to express my joy in Him!
Joyfully Yours,
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