My God, What Have We Become?

Truly, Jesus loves the little children of the world...and so should we. With all of the evil in this world, children have always been a source of joy and hope.  They have always been a reminder that every one of us were at one time innocent and trusting. And little children are proof that the world was intended to be a place of peace, love and harmony with our Creator and with each other...before sin entered the world and ruined everything.

But the plight of children around the world is also a reason for our adult hearts to break. This picture taken of a Syrian child has gone viral. The scared little girl thought the camera was a weapon and reacted in a pleading gesture of surrender. When our old English translation of the Greek New Testament records Jesus' words in Matthew 19:14, "Suffer the little children to come unto me," he did not at all mean that they should in any way be made to suffer!  In Matthew 18:6 Jesus said, "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." Don't think for one moment that the suffering of little children like this little Syrian girl goes unnoticed by our Lord Jesus. When the depravity of man can rob and destroy the spirit of child-like trust of His children throughout the world, I believe we are near the end of the so-called Age of Grace, and judgment is soon to come. Pray for this little girl and her family right now.  Pray for an end to the suffering, fear and terror that threatens the futures of young souls everywhere.  And cry out to God for His mercy upon such a generation of sinful humanity we have grown to become.  Folks, we are in deep, deep trouble on this little planet, and we are in need of a cleansing that can only come from God who loved this world and gave Himself for it.  I believe that cleansing is on its way.  It's not going to be  pretty and it's not going to be easy, but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. (Matt. 24:13)  Be encouraged, your God will come!  Shalom.


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