This Israeli Woman Gets It

Mom of Slain Israeli Teen Naftali Fraenkel Hopes for 'Peace and Calm'

The mother of an Israeli teenager who was kidnapped and murdered said Monday that she shares the pain of the parents of a Palestinian teenager burned to death in what police say was a revenge killing. “No mother or father should go through what we are going now,” said the mother, Rachel Fraenkel, whose son, Naftali, was among three Israeli teens murdered in the West Bank.        
“Even in the depth of the mourning of our son, it’s hard for me to de “The shedding of innocent blood is against morality, is against the Torah and Judaism, it’s against the basis of our life in this country.” She concluded: “We truly hope that very soon the peace and calm will come back all over our country.”
scribe how distressed we were over the outrage that happened in Jerusalem,” she said, speaking of the apparent revenge killing of Mohammed Abu Khdeir.

Retaliation and revenge is an ever-growing snowball that will lead the Middle East into all-out war.  I believe in Justice and I believe capitol punishment can be just, and it can be a deterrent.  But vigilante "justice" is only revenge which the Torah teaches only belongs to YWHY.  "Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay. In time their foot will slip, for their day of disaster is near, and their doom is coming quickly." (Deut. 32:35)
And the New Testament validates what the Torah teaches: "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord." (Rom. 12:19)

Even though the Prince of Darkness in this world has an apparent death-grip on the minds and hearts of both the rulers and the people of this world, it is refreshing to hear the heart of this one Israeli woman.  And please be encouraged to know that one day the Prince of Peace will come and take His revenge upon the evil of this world, and He will establish His Millennium of Peace on the earth when He comes to claim His Bride.


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