
Showing posts from February, 2014

Passover is Coming!

This is one of the 7 Feasts of the Lord (That's what the Bible calls them - it does not say they are the Feasts of the Jews).  The word for FEAST in the Bible is MOED.  It means "A Divine Appointment".   Let's keep these appointments with the Father, and thus OBEY Him that we might draw closer to Him!  If you cannot come to this Passover Seder, decide how you can keep the Feast this year.  He does not tell us exactly how to keep all of the Feasts, just that we are to keep them, remember them and learn how they help us to live.

Victory is Mine!

1 Corinthians 9:25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. In watching the Olympics we have witnessed incredible human physical accomplishments.   Every one of these athletes know that they have a small window of opportunity to compete in games that come around only every four years.   I will never forget exactly 20 years ago when Olympic skater Nancy Kerrigan was clubbed on the knee by a hit man ultimately connected to skating competitor Tonya Harding just prior to the Olympics in Lillehamer.    I had just recovered from vocal surgery in November of 1993 and I saw the video of Nancy Kerrigan on the floor crying out, “Why, why?   Skating is my life!”     That struck me so much because I thought , “Don’t say anything that you can do with your physical body is your life.”   I remember flippantly saying in college, “Music is my life.”   And I came very close to los

Hmm, What Sacrifice Can I Offer?

I started a "sacrifice bucket" just outside the side door of my heart.  I believe that our Father in heaven still desires for us to make sacrifices unto Him.  Certainly not for the purpose of making atonement for our sins - that was accomplished by the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus on the cross.  But what kind of offering pleases God the most?   We may tend to think that the only thing we can offer to God is something we have perfected or worked on for days or weeks.   But the surprising thing is that while God can accept and bless a sacrificial offering of something we are pleased to offer Him such as a song, a good deed, a certain skill or even money, God is magnified when we give him things that don’t have any place in our hearts and lives!   He wants us to sacrifice to Him our pride and our selfish desires, and He will gladly receive all of our cares and worries. He really loves it when we give Him anything that stands in the way of allowing Him to dwell completely in ou