Your Life is Not a Sacrifice if it Doesn't Cost You Anything
Samuel 24:24 says, “I
will not sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me

that David’s decision to make a sacrifice was not an effort by David to appease
the God he had sinned against. He was
making the sacrifice because the prophet of God instructed him to do so, and he
was just being obedient to God’s word.
what is the message here for all who have made their lives a living sacrifice
to God and are seeking to serve Him in some capacity as a minister or a Sunday
School teacher or a choir member or a crisis center volunteer? May your motivation certainly not be an
attempt to earn some kind of favor from God or make some kind of restitution to
God because that is just an impossibility as we could never pay enough to do
that. May it be that the sacrifice of your life for
God’s use is out of pure obedience to a call of God upon your life.
But let’s
go beyond your obedience of going through motions to make your life a sacrifice
to God. Do you share that desire like
David to not let your sacrifice be something that costs you very little or next
to nothing?
pose this question because you can offer a lot to God just sort-of going along
for the ride as long as it is comfortable, you have no criticism, you are not
asked to give up personal pursuits and hobbies, or other people are providing
the means to make your “sacrifice” not very costly.
guess the bottom line of all this is to say to God, “Father, I want to truly
offer you my life, my desires, my preferences, my rights, and any pain or
consequence or inconvenience that may come as a result of my putting my life on
a sacrificial altar to You. I don’t want
to offer my life to you and it really not cost me anything.”
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