Do We Need to Save the Church?

God has always had a people. He created us. He made a promise to Abraham that he would be the father of a great people that would be the people of His choice. We are his spiritual offspring. God gave us His law (His instructions) in stone on Mt. Sinai on the Day of Pentecost, and then 1500 years later He gave His Holy Spirit to write His law on our hearts after He made a way for us to be in a relationship with Himself forever by coming to us in the person of Jesus Christ who became our sin-bearer on the cross. And we enter into all of this reality by way of a mysterious commodity called faith.
Secondly, reaffirm who's in charge:
All of the correcting, shaping and molding of God's people through the ages has been done by YHWH Himself. He is the Hebrews 12:2 "Author and Finisher of our faith". At His command and at just the right time He will raise up a Moses, an Elijah, a Daniel, a Paul and Barnabus, a Charles Spurgeon, a Billy Graham, a Jim Elliott, or even you to do something that will edify the Body of Christ and further the work of the Kingdom of God. Sometimes I think we act like we have to save the church from the brink of extinction, so we place a burdensome yoke upon ourselves to figure out how to "do church" in the 21st century because the rules all change from one generation to the next, or so we are told.
So, refocus. Get your bearings. Jesus gave some great marching orders to Peter in John 21 where he said, "Do you love me? Then feed my sheep and tend my lambs." We are to love one another and help each other along this road called life. And let God (who is big enough to handle it!) carry the heavy load of, "What in the world shall I do with this world?"
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