
Showing posts from February, 2013

Please Don't Change the Definition of Marriage

Marriage - a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law . Using the primary Webster's definition of "marriage", a "same-sex marriage" is literally a "same sex union of two people of the opposite sex" which is an oxymoran. The following was posted on MSN today, February 28:   Obama administration to express support for gay marriage before Supreme Court By Pete Williams, Chief Justice Correspondent, NBC News   Administration officials say the Justice Department will urge the U.S. Supreme Court to allow same-sex marriage to resume in California, wading into the protracted legal battle over Proposition 8 and giving gay-rights advocates a new court ally. After first suggesting it would not get involved, the Obama administration will file a friend-of-the-court brief late today in support of the two gay couples who launched the fight over

Your God Will Come!

Your God – my God, Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -- will come. He came with a flood just like he promised Noah that he would after Noah had just about been mocked and ridiculed to death. He let Noah and his family off the ark when they just about couldn’t stand all those animals anymore! He held back Abraham’s hand just as he was about to sacrifice Isaac in obedience. He parted the ... Red Sea just when it looked like the Israelites were cornered with no place to go. He scarfed up the water and the sacrifice with fire just when Elijah needed him to put the prophets of Baal in their place with the greatest flair. He clamped them lion’s jaws just when Daniel was just about to become the main course. He made the whale spit Jonah out at Ninevah after three days just to make a great parallel to the resurrection of Jesus 1,000 years or so later! He sent His Son into this world at just the right time as the prophets had foretold. He purposefully came four days aft

Principles of Worship from the Torah

The worship of our God, the only true God, YHVH, the Great “I Am,” has almost 6,000 years of history which from its beginning God let us know how He desires to be worshipped.   One of the primary ways that God instigated for worship was the sacrifice.   There are a number of Hebrew words for “sacrifice”, but one word used to designate something that is to be sacrificed is the word “Korban” which literally means “to draw near”.   This gives us a clue as to the purpose of the sacrifice which is to be able to draw near to God and Him to draw near to us.   The altar of sacrifice is a meeting place, so to speak, between God and His people. Of course, the ultimate sacrifice became God’s very own Son, Jesus, through whom we truly can be near our God by the indwelling of His Spirit. But even though the animal sacrifice system and the Temple is not there now, there remains the principle of sacrifice in worship which will please God.   So what kind of sacrifice do you bring to worship?