Be A Daily Worshipper

Regi Stone is a singer/songwriter who shared a really great devotion at Music Atlanta on January 16.  He had 4 things to say about anyone who desires to be a worship leader:

1.  Choose to become a daily worshipper.  Worship is not something in a box you take down once a week, enjoy, offer to God and then put back on the shelf until the next week.  What if a man treated his relationship with his wife or kids like that?  How can we possibly have a real personal relationship with the God of our salvation on a once-a-week or emergency-only visitation basis?  It won’t happen.

2.  Follow thru #1  This may sound redundant, but how many know there is a difference between joining a fitness club and actually going to the gym and working out?  Once you make a choice to be a daily worshipper, the next step is to start doing it!

3.  Consume Scripture – We must hide God’s Word in our hearts.  Study it, memorize it, use it.  The Word is a sword and our weapon against Satan and his attacks.

4.  Write down “I am becoming a daily worshipper,” and put it somewhere where you will see it.  Visual reminders of who we are and what we should be doing are not a bad thing.  That’s why YHVH told the children of Israel to write His words on their gates and doorposts and bind them on their hands and keep them as “frontlets between their eyes”.  Let's keep our God before us in the highest place of prominence!

I have heard it said that it takes 20-30 days of repetition for something to become a habit.  Be diligent and disciplined.  You cannot take people where you have not been, so find a place where you can meet with God everyday.

Now go and worship God,



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