What is Your Worldview?

I remember sitting in a class at Furman University in the mid-’70s when a professor asked the question, “What is your worldview?” I honestly didn’t know what he was talking about but began to realize that I did not have a worldview--only a very small, self-centered, short-term, and local view of life. (i.e. Headline: "Godzilla Destroys Japan--Economy Devastated!" Me: "I hope Yamato over in Harbison doesn't close down.") It is estimated that 3,000 years ago the world population was only about 50,000,000. Today there are about 8,000,000,000. Yet, people in the Bible days could still have a worldview bigger than most of us today. There are 196,900,000 square miles on this planet, but one's worldview is not measured in square miles or numbers of people or nations on the earth. The whole world seemed huge to people whose only mode of transportation was 4-legged. Today our entire planet can be circumnavigated in a day or two. Two people can carry on a norma...