
Showing posts from April, 2022
  Last week 12 Sr. Adults from Lexington Baptist Church went on a field trip. We loaded up the church bus and journeyed non-stop all the way to the Lexington County Museum (about 1 mile!). I vaguely remember Julie and I going there for a short tour of the museum not long after we moved to Lexington in 1988.  I had not been back to the museum since then, and that's why I thought it might be a good trip for our seniors. I was sure some of them had either never been there or had not been in years. We were not disappointed! We enjoyed a 2-hour tour with John Myers who did an outstanding job of sharing his knowledge of Lexington history and the artifacts in the museum.  But he also gave us a good glimpse of what life in the 17-1800's was like for our Lexington predecessors. The museum actually covers 7 acres in the heart of Lexington and maintains 33 structures depicting the middle-class life of early German and Swiss settlers in Lexington.  The Germans brought with them their Luthe

Persecution of the Church Begins By Teaching That All Church-Goers Are The Church

  I saw this article online and it naturally caught my attention.  It was written by Moises Mendez II who, according to his own profile is "a recent graduate from the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY. He is a freelance journalist based in New York City writing about everything from music to LGBTQ issues." What is your reaction to this statement? "Sunday morning after church is the worst type of customer... you won't change my mind."  My first thought was, "Well, that's one guy's opinion and he has a right to it, but he would have to already have a bias against Christians to make such a blanket conclusion about all people who go to church on Sundays."  Mr. Mendez is not the one pictured here, but he included in his article this video by a Tik-Tok-er named Saint_Hypnos as "exhibit A" for his post: If the video won't play, go to  Servers Say 'Sunday Morning After Church' Are the Worst Customers (

Time For Passover

On the fourteenth day of the first month is the LORD’s Passover (Numbers 28:16 & Leviticus 23:5).  When does this annual memorial celebration happen each year? I s it, A, B, or C? A) Every January 14 - Gregorian Calendar B) Nissan 14 (14 days after the sighting of the New Moon after the Spring Equinox which in 2022 is April 22) - Hillel Calendar kept by the majority of Jewish people and many Messianic Believers. C) Month 1, Day 14 (14 days after the Spring Equinox if it happens on a Wednesday which in 2022 is April 5) - Zadokite Calendar kept by the Essenes and Zadokites, believed by many to be the oldest of the calendars and kept by the people of God as far back as Noah. If you said "C" the Zadokite Calendar, I would be in agreement with you. If you have never heard of this calendar, Google your own research on this topic.  The Zadokite Essene c alendar, the calendar attested in I Enoch and the Book of Jubilees, consisted of a solar calendar of 364 days divided into seve