
Showing posts from September, 2017

Your Day of Atonement

Atonement has been made for you.   In ancient days when the Father established His people from among a fallen and lost humanity, He provided a means whereby the sins of His people could be paid for at the cost of an innocent life.   He demonstrated this at Passover when the blood of a spotless lamb applied to one's doorway marked one's ownership to YHWH.   When the Father made His tabernacle the meeting place where we could draw near to Him, He used two goats to demonstrate that His purpose is that through the cost of an innocent life there can be cleansing for the guilty.   2,000 years ago His only Son, Yeshua Hamachiach, was sent to be the ultimate and final sacrificial Lamb to make atonement for the sins of the world.   He did this out of His love for us and His desire that we should come into a personal relationship with Him.   And today I can tell you that atonement has been made for you.   But my telling you this does not apply that atonement to you for the forgivenes