Who Do You Worship? And Why?

Have you worshipped God today? This past Sunday we saw a great little sermon bumper called "Everyone Worships Something" It is so true that "We were made to worship" like the song says. In trying to define worship, I suppose we could say that we will worship that to which we have given the greatest part of our lives. But in reality we probably give a large part of our lives to a lot of different things in varying degrees and in different seasons of the year or in different seasons of our lives. (Like, right now it's football season, and there is a lot of what looks like worship going on every Saturday in stadiums across the nation!) But what if we said that the definition of true worship is your response to just that one thing that has captured your heart and permeates every part of your life to the point that you would be willing to die for? What or Who do you worship?...