
Showing posts from May, 2013

I Was in Prison and You Visited Me

Solitary confinement in the psychiatric ward of a state prison is one of the lowest places on earth you can find yourself.  But in the words of Corrie Ten Boom, " There is no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still".  That is what Phil Stallings, Nancy Rae Martin and I experienced tonight at Kirkland prison as we sought to minister the love of God into that dark place.  What we saw were men reaching out their arms of faith and crying out to God like drowning me would reach out for a life-jacket.  Here was the message: 1. His Eye is on the Sparrow - God loves you and knows where you are right now and cares about you.  He can set you free! 2. Near the Cross -This is the place where you can meet the Savior, Jesus Christ, and receive His forgiveness for your sins. 3. Listen - If you will listen you will hear God's voice calling out your name.  If you will listen, it's a still small voice no one can explain.  But if you listen and obey that voice you'