Be A Daily Worshipper

Regi Stone is a singer/songwriter who shared a really great devotion at Music Atlanta on January 16. He had 4 things to say about anyone who desires to be a worship leader: 1. Choose to become a daily worshipper. Worship is not something in a box you take down once a week, enjoy, offer to God and then put back on the shelf until the next week. What if a man treated his relationship with his wife or kids like that? How can we possibly have a real personal relationship with the God of our salvation on a once-a-week or emergency-only visitation basis? It won’t happen. 2. Follow thru #1 This may sound redundant, but how many know there is a difference between joining a fitness club and actually going to the gym and working out? Once you make a choice to be a daily worshipper, the next step is to start doing it! 3. Consume Scripture – We must hide God’s Word in our hearts. Study it, memorize it, u...