A Hymn for the Ages: Past, Present and Future

This Sunday the LBC Choir is singing a hymn of the Church that is partly ancient and partly brand new. The hymn is "Of the Father's Love Begotten". I wrote an accapella arrangement of this hymn that begins with a text that was a Latin poem by the Roman poet Aurelius Prudentius, born in the year 348 AD. 250 years ago it was translated in English and set to a plainchant melody called Divinum Mysterium which first appeared in print in 1582. It is one of the most beautiful melodies ever sung in worship of our God, and it actually first appeared in a manuscript form as early as the 10th century. Here is where the brand new part comes in. I re-wrote the 2nd and 3rd verses. Prudentius' first verse is about the origin of the love of God which existed before the creation of this world! He states that God is the beginning and the end. And in his words, penned about 1,63...