
Showing posts from December, 2022

Growing Old is Not For Sissies

  Today I made a little trip down to Orangeburg to visit one of our Lexington Baptist Church VIPs who has been living at The Oaks Methodist Home for several years.  I went to deliver to her a poinsettia as is our practice for all our VIPs every December.  This year we have 42, and it is my joy and priviledge to go with one of our LBC Deacons and visit and pray with two VIPs every week.  So today I visited Damiana Snelgrove and she is 91 years old.  She is originally from Puerto Rico.  Tonight I was doing some research for my Sunday School lesson on the "Oak at Shechem" where Jacob buried all the idols of the Children of Israel in Genesis 35:4.  It just so happened that my PC "accidentally" picked up on "The Oak" search and opened up a document that is stored on my PC.  It is a devotional that my dad delivered at The Oaks on January 19, 2012. My dad who was a pastor in Orangeburg (and prior to that at FBC West Columbia which is now River District Church tha