The Greatest War Hero of All Time

Today is Memorial Day. This national holiday began after the Civil War in 1868 and was originally called Decoration Day since it began as a practice of decorating the graves of soldiers in the national cemeteries. Since it originated in the north by those wanting to memorialize the union soldiers who had died, the southern states began having their own Confederate Decoration Day traditions, but by the 20th century the two competing factions merged into a unified Memorial Day to honor all Americans who had died in military service. After many years of Memorial Day being observed every year on May 30, no matter what day of the week it fell, in 1968 Congress passed a law making 4 national holidays to always be on a Monday to give us four 3-day weekends. So, Memorial Day is now always on the last Monday of May, and it marks the beginning of summer in America. Do you have any idea how many Americans have died in combat ove...