From Today's Torah Portion: Exodus 35:1

And Moses gathered (Vaya - K'hel or Kahol - gather an assembly) all the congregation (Edah) of the children of Israel together, and said unto them, These are the words which the Lord hath commanded, that ye should do them. Speaking of "WORDS", let's stop here and consider a few words that have been used and misused in the past which have created a heap of confusion today. 1. CHURCH - (Old English word "Circe") What does this word mean to people today? a) Pertains to Christians b) Predominant mental picture is a building to which Christians go to on Sundays c) The world-wide Body of Christ that was birthed after Jesus rose from the dead The word meant "pertaining to a lord" and later "Belonging to The Lord." 2. SYNOGOGUE - (Gr. sunogoge - came about during Babylonian exile) First Thought? a) Pertains to Jews b) Predominant mental picture is a building to which Jews go on Saturdays 3. TE...