Pursuing Holiness

I was striking up a spiritual conversation with a man in the mall Monday with thte Singing Churchmen in Cleveland,and I began asking him of his musical interests. He was a Believer and the B3 player at his church. I asked him if he just picked it up on his own or did he ever take lessons and he said he took lessons when he was young but didn't like it and didn't like his teacher. My wife is a piano teacher and has about 40 students, and I told him how I have observed through the years that virtually all of Julie's piano students want to play the piano. But not all of them want to LEARN to play the piano. They think that just because they take piano lessons from Julie and carry the label of being a piano student that somehow they will just become pianists. Not all the students count the cost of what it takes to become a piano player. There is something they must do everyday - it is called practice! I think the same ...