
Showing posts from April, 2014

Joy Will Come in the Morning

It's a perfect day of rest on this Shabbat to contemplate the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on a Roman cross approximately 1,981 years ago.  But if a day is as a thousand years to God, then it all happened "the day before yesterday" so to speak.  Yet it seems so far removed from our generation, and there are so many questions that puzzle us for which there are no answers.  But one day everything will be brought into the light, and we will know exactly when and where Jesus was crucified, what became of the robe Jesus wore that the soldiers gambled for, and exactly when did Jesus rise from the dead? (All we know is that the Mary's went to the tomb "while it was still dark" and found it empty. But today it is cold. -- The coldness of death was in that tomb where Jesus lay on a hard slab of stone at the healthy earthly age of 33.  Yet He was a part of the One and only Jehovah God from before the creation of the earth. Today it is raining. -- The sky i

The Proverbs 31 Woman is the Image of Christ

Proverbs 31:10-31 is often used to describe a godly woman as a “proverbs 31 woman.” But there is something very unique about this passage that is often disregarded by the English or non-Hebrew speaking world because no one would actually see this unless they were able to read this from a Torah scroll in Hebrew, and even then they could possibly miss this unless someone pointed it out.   This passage is 22 verses long.   There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and this passage is an acrostic of the Hebrew alphabet – each verse begins with a consecutive letter beginning with the first letter ALEPH and ending with the last letter, TAV.   Now, why is that of significant?   The acrostic of this passage which was written a thousand years before Jesus took on flesh gives us clues about how to become a proverbs 31 woman! In the book of Revelations we find 3 instances where Jesus says, “I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.”   Alpha and Omega are the first and last l