
Showing posts from December, 2013

Which Church Will You Join in 2014?

With just a quick bit of goggling it appears that there are over 300,000 protestant churches in America.   Seems like a lot, but each one of those churches would need 1,000 members to make every American a church member, and almost 2/3rds of all those churches have only 7-99 members each.     In South Carolina there are 11,685 phonebook listings for churches.   But here’s the shocker:   there are almost 800 different churches in driving distance for those of us in Lexington to choose from! Needless to say, these churches are all very unique and can only be somewhat loosely grouped according to denominational or theological categories.   So, what determines where you will go to church?   First, you must answer this question:   What is the difference between “a church” and “The Church?” Here’s the answer in a nutshell: People determine the membership and location of “a church.”   But only God determines the membership of The Church and its current location is “scattered.”   (B

Two Truths: 1) Plans Do Get Changed. 2) There Is A Reason.

Tonight the Sr. Adult Choir of LBC was suppose to go into Broad River Correctional facility and minister through music and serve a dinner for 250 inmates.  Our anticipation has been mounting as we made all the necessary preparations to get into the prison with food, music, and the gospel.  When we got there and processed all of the food through security we were informed that there was a lock-down in the dorm we were to serve due to some kind of possible threat of a disturbance or some breech by an inmate or inmates.  The dinner and program was cancelled.  We were very disappointed and perplexed and wondered how this could be!  What were we going to do with all of this food! We ended up going back to the church with the volunteers and ate some of the food and then had a choir rehearsal, worshipped and prayed for the prisoners.  We were thrilled that we were able to donate all of the food to 2 places:  Samaritan's Well women's shelter and the Chris Meyers Children's Pla