
Showing posts from November, 2013

Today is a Very Rare Day!

Today is a very rare day .  It is the first time in history that Thanskgiving (the 4th Thursday of November) and the first day of Hanukkah have occurred at the same time.  (But prior to 1942 when FDR moved Thanksgiving from the 5th Thursday to the 4th Thursday it happened in 1888.)  Just how rare is this?  This has never happened before—and it won’t happen again until the year 79,811. How did this calendrical anomaly come about? Jonathan Mizrahi , who holds a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Maryland, provides a thorough explanation: The Jewish calendar is very slowly getting out of sync with the solar calendar, at a rate of 4 days per 1,000 years (not bad for a many-centuries-old calendar!). This means that while presently Hanukkah can be as early as 11/28, over the years the calendar will drift forward, such that the earliest Hanukkah will be is 11/29. The last time Hanukkah falls on 11/28 is 2146 (which happens to be a Monday). Therefore, 2013 is the only time Hanukka

Are You a Pilgrim?

America marks it's first Thanksgiving Day by the Pilgrims who left Plymouth, England in 1620 and came to what is now Massachusetts.  They were "separatists" whose convictions would not let them live under the dictates of the Church of England which basically was Roman Catholicism.   These people first tried to settle in the Netherlands for twelve years, but feared losing their identity in that culture.  So they made the huge decision to move far away to the New World where they could at least be in an English colony, but also have the freedom to live out their faith more closely like the early church Believers which earned them the name "Puritans" for their desire to purify the Church. They never made it to the English colony of Virginia and settle in Cape Cod.  They came with 102 people and within the first year 50 had died.  Indians in the area agreed to a treaty of mutual aid and respect and proved to be a tremendous help to their survival.  On December 13